Heal-Thy, a weight loss company, is aimed to enhance clients’ lifestyle with the right food at right time in the right portions. We base our diet & lifestyle plans on individual body types (Ayurvedic Prakriti). With healthy, home-cooked food combinations instead of a low-calorie diet, we design personalized plans that can be followed for life, resulting in a lifestyle transformation and not just a temporary weight loss.

I Act Programme Dubai

Appointed as Official Weight Loss Consultant for the “I ACT” COMPETITION, DUBAI  in  2016-17 Organised by Mr. Sandeep Shishodia, the Sun Metal Group, Sharjah with the total weight loss of 200 kgs in 5 months of 30 participants. Meenal Meher lost 40 kgs in 6 months , Charmy lost 29 kgs in 5 months, Devesh Jhaveri lost 21 kgs in 5 months and Mona Jhaveri lost 18 kgs in 5 months.

Biggest Loser Program

Appointed as Official Weight Loss Consultant for the “BIGGEEST LOSER PROGRAM ”  DUBAI in June 2013, ‘The Biggest Loser(TBL)’ was launched to help members reduce weight and fat percentage by accommodating some form of physical activity in their daily routine.It Started with recording daily goals like maximum kilometers walked, Stairs climbed ,Crunches and, Push ups, lunges , Squats and bureeps done in one go, avoiding sugar and incresing water intake.Keeping their work schedule in mind, the members divided themselves into smaller groups based on the area they reside in to monitor and motivate one another and even compete with other groups.

Zoya R

Zoya R is  a fitness trainer  who looks after our office in dubai  and takes cares of our patients in dubai.

An adventurer to the core An avid cyclist A sports enthusiast and Nurturer of thy own Soul.

From Fat to Faboulous

TBL:The Biggest Loser!!
A programme to help people in losing weight and indulging themselves in physical activities. Sheeba Khanna on board as a weight loss consultant for the two health and wellness Dubai programs ie The Biggest Loser 2015-2016 and The I Act 2016-2017 . Fantastic results with great motivation and planning by Mr Sandeep Shishodia and the entire board of members. Meenal Meher.. one of the contestants of the I-Act Competition lost 38kgs by personalised diet plans by Sheeba Khanna as well as workout.


Appointed as Official Weight Loss Consultant for the “TBL FAT TO FIT ” Event .The first TBL concluded in September  2013 with 43 year old IT Professional Dharmendra Singhvi becoming biggest loser by Shedding 10 kg during the Challenge .Dharmendra describes his journey as transformative one, ” Even before joining the group , I had been trying to get my weight down from 82 kg to my ideal 78 kg. According to my height , I had to loose 6 to 7 kgs. However , With the group i focused not only on exercising but also dieting and consuming more nutrition .”

Ahmadabad Event

Thank you Ahmadabad for being such an amazing audience.
An evening well spent.

I Act

The Biggest Loser