Art of Losing Weight the Natural Way

Heal-Thy, a weight loss company, is aimed to enhance clients’ lifestyle with the right food in the right quantity at right time. We base our diet & lifestyle plans on individual body types (Ayurvedic Prakriti) of our clients. With healthy, home-cooked food combinations instead of a low-calorie diet, we design personalized plans that can be followed for life, resulting in a lifestyle transformation and not just a temporary weight loss.

Art of Losing Weight the Natural Way

Heal-Thy, a weight loss company, is aimed to enhance clients’ lifestyle with the right food in the right quantity at right time. We base our diet & lifestyle plans on individual body types (Ayurvedic Prakriti) of our clients. With healthy, home-cooked food combinations instead of a low-calorie diet, we design personalized plans that can be followed for life, resulting in a lifestyle transformation and not just a temporary weight loss.

We work on making you feel good about your bodies
and follow a lifelong routine of eating the right diet.







Sheebba Khanna – Weight Loss & Wellness Consultant

( Award Winning Nutritionist & Weight Loss Expert )

With around 15 years of experience counselling people for their weight loss & lifestyle enhancement needs, Sheebba Khanna has earned recognition across India as well as the globe and has clients Worldwide . She started her career in the field post completing a course in Food & Health from Stanford University and a Diploma in Dietetics & Nutrition from IGNOU University, Delhi.

For a customized Wellness plan

Book an appointment with a certified & experienced weight-loss & wellness consultant, Sheeba Khanna, for a personalized weight-management solution.

    What is Ayurvedic Prakriti/Constitution ?

    Ayurveda classifies everyone into three energetic forces (or building blocks of the material world), also known as Tridoshas.”

    The air content, regulates all kinds of movements in body & mind.

    The fire content, governs a body’s heat & metabolism, controlling digestion

    The water content, cohesiveness, structure, & lubrication in a body.[

    What is Ayurvedic Prakriti/Constitution ?

    Ayurveda classifies everyone into three energetic forces (or building blocks of the material world), also known as Tridoshas.”

    The air content, regulates all kinds of movements in body & mind.

    The fire content, governs a body’s heat & metabolism, controlling digestion

    The water content, cohesiveness, structure, & lubrication in a body.[


    Why Considering Tridoshas is Important ?

    Any imbalance in the doshas, caused by unsupportive diet & lifestyle, upsets a body’s natural internal equilibrium. This, in turn, disrupts the body, leading individuals to several health challenges & tendencies towards diseases.

    At Heal-Thy, we design diet & lifestyle plans based on an individual analysis of ayurvedic prakriti or tridosha body type, considering daily routines, food preferences, & other factors.

    Our Happy Clients

    Bachhan Family.

    Dr.Manmohan Singh’s Family

    Sun Metal Group, Sharjah

    Why Choose Heal-Thy ?

    Heal-Thy wants you to Eat healthily, Live Healthily, & Stay Healthy always

    Comprehensive Wellness Program: Not just another weight-loss plan, we create a long-lasting wellness program for your body.

    Lifestyle Transformation: Maintain the right weight balance and avert diseases for life with better metabolism, diet, & lifestyle

    Lose Fat, Not Muscles: Our plans are aimed at unnecessary fat loss alongside improving muscle mass, energy levels, & overall wellness.

    Diets to cure Particular diseases


    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels.





    The Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck. Your thyroid lies below your Adam’s apple .




    Uric Acid

    Uric acid is a chemical created when the body breaks down substances called purines.






    Diabetes is a disease in which your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Glucose comes from the foods you eat.

    Disease Management

    Disease management is an approach to healthcare that teaches patients how to manage a chronic disease.


    Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a condition that affects a woman’s hormone levels.



    The Thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland that sits low on the front of the neck. Your thyroid lies below your Adam’s apple .

    Uric Acid

    Uric acid is a chemical created when the body breaks down substances called purines.


    Diabetes is a disease in which your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Glucose comes from the foods you eat.

    Disease Management

    Disease management is an approach to healthcare that teaches patients how to manage a chronic disease.

    Contact Us

    Everyone needs a different weight loss plan based on body type.